So I was going to wait until I was finished with these paintings to post anything but I am really excited about it and can not wait. I am going to the NJ SCBWI Illustrator's Conference next month and everyone had a choice of manuscripts to pick a double paged spread to do. I sent in my original ideas to Patrick Collins, the art director for Henry Holt Books for Young Readers and with his comments I revised my sketches, almost completely and am so happy with the result. I am currently working on both paintings now and bring in the finished pieces for a critique at the conference. Here is my original sketch and then beneath it the revised version which will be translated into paint. Yay can't wait for the conference!!!

Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see the finished piece in NJ next week. I'm going but am in Laurent's group. You can check my spread out on my blog....working on revisions today.
I would love to see your spread too but Blogger says you have your profile blocked. What's the link to your blog?
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