My Books!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Bailar is Listed on Amazon!!

I just came across my book listing on Amazon, how exciting! You can currently preorder the book for the October 31st release date of this year!
Click here

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Painting!

This is a new painting I just completed for Arte Publico Press. It was a character concept for an upcoming picture book they will be releasing in 2012. Unfortunately I did not get this project but at least I did get a new portfolio piece out of it. It will be interesting to see what art they did choose for the book but I will have to wait until the book comes out.

Below is another concept I did for them right before my fire. This was one of the paintings I lost in the fire, but luckily saved my hard drive and with it a copy of the lost piece.
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