I painted this illustration as a speculation for a publisher. They asked for the cover in color and a sketch for one of the spreads. Well, they decided to go with a different artist....bummer:( Hopefully my day will come soon, I am just so antsy to get my first children's book with all the promos I send out and all. I just get so frustrated sometimes because everyone has different

tastes, which I suppose is a good thing, except when one publisher says I am too cartoony and then another one says I should rely less on reference because they look too much like photos. And so continues the never ending battle of finding some happy medium between cartoon world and realism to please all.....
....I changed the title and also added a cute caterpillar for fun.
that's a shame they didn't go with it... the illustration is beautiful! I love the winding roots and the contrasting colors
Thanks Anthony! It's nice to hear some encouragement...our children's books are out there somewhere...waiting for us to find them!!! ;)
I know it can be so easy to become discouraged in this industry.... but when you think of all the different and beautiful books that line the shelves in libraries and bookstores, it has to be that the odds will tip in favor. I think the proposed cover looks great and I really like the texture and detail you added with roots, as well as the cute caterpillar adding a splash of color.
thanks lisa!
Hang in there! I often ready loads of comments by various agents/directors, etc. who say a piece is too this or that, only for that book or illustrator to go on and be a top name in industry. So hang in there! You got the right stuff, you just need to find your match :)
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