I am really excited to have finished my paintings for Spider Magazine. They were shipped off yesterday afternoon. Here are a couple of the preliminary sketches you can expect to see in color in the May issue of this year. :)
I just sent off this pet portrait to a customer. This was his dog named Rosie and it made him very happy to have something to remember her by. He emailed me, "I just opened up the painting and I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am with it!! It truley means the world for me to have this, it's simply perfect. Thank you". It feels great to make people happy with something you created :)
I am currently working on some sketches for a story with Spider MagaZine (yay!). My illustrations will be in the May/June issue so make sure to check it out! I am really happy to be working with them, I remember when my younger sisters would get Ladybug and the other Bug magazines in the mail. :o)